Freelance Focus: restriction with The Devil

This is a photo of The Devil card from my own personal tarot deck. The card is laying on a black silk scarf on my green leather-topped desk. It's a very arty photo and I'm super happy with how it came out.

June could be a month of fantastic personal growth if you let it. Especially with the arrival of the fiery dude in the picture above ☝️

Before we get into using The Devil for compassion and liberation, let’s reflect on our card for this month — The Magician!

Last month: The Magician

May was a manifestation month. The arrival of The Magician card was a sure sign that, if you plan it and take small actions towards it, you can achieve your goal!

Did you kickstart any cool projects during May? Or make a timeline for the things you wanted to achieve?

The Magician takes control of his personal power to make incredible things happen. May was a time to follow that same example.

So, how did you get on?

Find me on Twitter and let me know!

How it went for me…

It’s funny The Magician should show up in a work context because I pulled The Fool tarot card in my personal reading. Turns out, these two are a master combo.

All my inbound marketing paid off in May. In the space of a week, I was flooded with new enquiries from new clients, reactivated clients, and existing clients. This is The Magician at work — I made a plan to generate new business and it manifested. All at once.

Normally I’d have freaked out. Too much work, not enough time to do it all, juggling multiple enquiries, scheduling multiple tasks…stress-o-rama. But The Fool tarot card from my personal reading invited me to trust myself. To leap in and enjoy the journey.

So I did! And it turned out to be a delightfully busy, rewarding month. I didn’t allow myself to stress about it once and it made the whole thing feel so much more satisfying and enjoyable. 10/10, would recommend!

June’s card: The Devil

First up, let’s get one thing clear — the arrival of this card doesn’t mean a horned goat-man will appear in a blaze of fire and drag you to hell. No, no.

The Devil card represents the limitations and restrictions you put on yourself. He’s a manifestation of your negative habits and beliefs. In a business context, he asks you to confront your bad habits (procrastination, low self-belief, fear of putting your rates up, or fears around pitching for work) and whether those habits serve you.

Spoilers — they don’t.

The Devil also represents your ‘shadow self’. Instead of unearthing all your bad habits and chastising yourself, try to understand why you conform to these limiting ideas. Come at it with compassion, then try to move past it in a way that works for you — but remember to be kind. Your shadow self is still part of you!

The Devil card also represents unhealthy attachments. Are you slaving away for a client who disrespects you? Are you tied to a business partner who holds you back or harms your progress? This is the sign you need, mate. Free yourself from those toxic relationships and move forward without restriction.

You’ve got this!

The Devil tarot card

Did this resonate with you? Find me on Twitter and gimme your thoughts ✨🔮