Freelance focus: creativity with the Knight of Cups

creativity with the knight of cups tarot

Saddle up, pardner! I’ve got a dreamy boy for you this month, and he’s ready to charge off with you into the realms of intuition and creativity. If you’re familiar with the Freelance Focus format, scroll on down and start pondering your moves for August.

If you’re a newbie, please allow me to introduce ‘Freelance Focus’! Each month I draw a single tarot card, and we use it to hone our focus over the next few weeks. It’s an interesting way to question your motivations, values, and goals as a freelancer. Also, it’s fun as hell and makes for an excellent journaling prompt (if you’re journal inclined).

You can find all the previous Freelance Focus tarot posts on my blog here.

Before we press ahead with August’s challenge, let’s look back over the last card we worked on…

Last month: The World

Last month, we pulled The World card from the tarot deck. It represents fulfilment and the end of a journey.

In freelance terms, it could be interpreted as a prompt to honour your achievements, look back and reflect on the year so far, and tie up loose ends so you can be ready for the next challenge ahead.

Find me on Twitter and tell me all about it.

freelance fulfilment

How it went for me…

July has been a horrible month. Horrible in my personal life and in my business. On the bright side, this tarot card was a helpful reminder of two pretty crucial things:

1) I need to acknowledge how far I’ve come on the journey so far. It’s bananas how much I’ve changed and grown in four years of freelance life. In fact, my current struggles are a direct result of me finally having the courage to stand up for myself. And that can only be a good thing!

2) I need to learn to recognise fulfilment when I feel it. I’m forever pressuring myself to work harder and do better. I need to let up and allow myself to enjoy a rest after I’ve achieved something cool or completed a project. Lesson learned!

creative compassion

August’s card: The Knight of Cups

The Knight of Cups is one romantic fella. He’s all about harmony, love, compassion and — better yet — creativity.

The fact this card has popped up in our freelance focus for August suggests you should try opening yourself up to accepting inspiration from everywhere. It’s all around you, so extend your senses outward and discover something new to draw creativity from.

The Knight of Cups card is a call to action. If you’ve been umm-ing and ahh-ing over a creative dream, new hobby, or passion project, this is your sign to turn that shit into reality. The universe has spoken, bro!


There’s one more thing we can take from this tarot card over the next 4 weeks — trust your intuition and your heart. Got a good feeling about something? Get involved, lad. Even if it looks bonkers to everyone else, make it a mission to follow your heart.

How are you feeling about the card for August? Find me on Twitter and let me know!