Freelance focus: fulfilment with The World

Freelance focus - July

It’s time to hone that freelance focus, folks!

This is the time of the month where we meet here on the Jot Jot Boom blog and pull a single tarot card from my deck, then use it to shape our thoughts and motivations for the upcoming month. We’ll also grab a quick second to reflect on what happened last month.

Are you new to this? You can find all the previous Freelance Focus tarot posts on my blog here.

If you’re ready, let’s begin by casting our minds back over the last 29 days…

Last month

Last month’s card was the reversed Ten of Coins, which symbolises wealth and what it truly is. It’s a reminder that all that glitters isn’t gold. I prompted you to explore what true wealth looks like to you as a freelance business owner. What did you discover?

This card also offered encouragement to freelancers who weren’t earning as much as they wanted to. It was a call to get plans into practice and start making that cheddar. If that was you, how did you get on?

Find me on Twitter and tell me all about it.

ten of coins reversed

Here’s how it went for me…

Not gonna lie; June was a low revenue month and a low morale month. I struggled to feel good about myself and my work. Luckily, our last tarot card draw prepared me — I took time to assess which jobs I liked, which ones were good earners, and where I wanted to go in the future.

Thanks to this little tarot card project, I realised how badly I rob myself of happiness every day by stressing over simple things. Inconsequential things! I forgot how much of a luxury it is to work in my lovely home office, with myself as a boss, writing the kind of stuff I’d have killed to get my hands on 10 years ago when I started out.

I’m very lucky. I need to chill the eff out and enjoy it more!

July’s card: The World

The World is the final card in the major arcana of the tarot. Because of this, it represents completion and fulfilment. The story has reached its end, and we look back on all we learned during the journey.

With that in mind, now might be a great time for you to reflect on projects you’ve just completed and all the work you’ve done so far this year, now that we’re over halfway through 2021. What have you learned? What have your highlights been?

Now is the time to honour your achievements, mate!

Are you still on the last leg of your journey? Not to worry! This card is a prompt for you to keep going and tie up all those loose ends, so you can be ready for the next challenge ahead. Does this sound true for you?

How are you feeling about this card for July? Find me on Twitter and let me know!