Freelance advice no one's had the balls to give you (part 2)
Image via Tara Winstead
Toying with the idea of plunging yourself into freelance life? There's a lot of idealistic bullsh*t out there, splattered across motivational entrepreneurial blogs or on social media (I know very few people who actually work on beaches in Hawaii, guys. Soz).
After my first freelance post on the subject, I realised I had a lot more to share, so I kept a notebook handy and tossed down a few more home truths for those of you brave enough to make that freelance leap of faith. It's definitely worth it, but you need to know what you're signing up for.
So, without further ado, here comes part two (with added 'no bullshit').
If you don't ask, you don't get
Here's a closely guarded secret of the freelancing world: the best jobs aren't awarded by experience or skill. They're often awarded to the writer with enough guts to pitch for it.
Doesn't matter if you think a client is way out of your league or a job is slightly beyond your skillset, if you want it, pitch for it.
Once every quarter, I dip into my list of dream clients and send out a cold pitch introductory email or two. I let the client know how much I dig them and the value I can add to their offering, then I give them my rates and I leave the ball in their court.
It feels cheeky but by god does it work!
Never put all your eggs in one basket
You've landed your first big client and you're feeling pretty suave about it. They pay enough to free you from business development worry each month. You don't have to fret about the next paycheck. You can just hang loose and enjoy.
I've known freelancers who got too comfortable relying on one big client, and when that relationship fell through, they were left with a gaping hole in their revenue and absolutely no new business leads.
Never let yourself get into a position where you feel comfortable, even if the client is promising a long and happy marriage.
Always stay sharp on your business development and always be looking to foster new relationships — you never know!
You need to ask for a deposit upfront BEFORE you start
I once had a client ask for a huge chunk of time. They booked it really far in advance, which pleased me no end because I love organisation. I also hate pressure, so the long lead time gave me the opportunity to turn other clients away and keep the space free.
And boy, was that a big mistake.
On day one of the project, I received an email informing me that things were being pushed back by several weeks.
I'd turned down three new clients in an effort to keep the allotted time free.
Jump ahead to the new start date, and I'm delayed again.
By this point, I'm several grand down on my monthly revenue target and have ruined relationships with clients that had the potential to be long term.
Asking for a deposit and a signed contract before you agree to a project is essential. It may feel overly cautious and almost offensive to the client, but you’re a business and you need to protect yourself.
It helps to talk about rates like they're no big deal
This is a tip I learned from author and copywriter, Andy Maslen. I was a student of his, way back in the day. After I went freelance, he asked me about my rates and damn near lost his mind when he heard me talk about them.
I wasn't charging enough.
I was hesitant to discuss payment.
I kept offering to negotiate, even when the client had a much larger budget than my paltry fee.
The trick is, Andy said, learning to talk about payment as though it’s no big deal. You’re not asking the client if the fee is okay…you’re telling the client what the fee is.
Don't tiptoe around how much you charge. Don't offer negotiation right off the bat and don't under-price yourself to stay competitive.
If they want you, they'll pay what you think is fair. Andy told me to practice saying my day rate in the mirror. Over time, you lose all money shame and start talking like a business person.
Freelance copywriter Penny Brazier recommends writing your rate on a piece of paper and sticking it up in front of your desk, so you can see it every day. That way, when someone asks you how much you charge, it won’t feel like a scary number because you see it all the time!
Go and get that cheddar, lad.
Large social followings don't mean squat
I'm still guilty of this sometimes, even though I know better.
I sit on Twitter or LinkedIn, sulkily lusting after the large social followings some of my contemporaries have. Because in our current climate, large social followings mean wealth, success, and validation.
The same isn't always true in freelance life.
I don't have a huge following, but I've worked for some of the biggest brands in the world. Besides, viral posts and social engagement don’t always equate to anything meaningful, like industry clout or new business leads. Sometimes it’s throwaway banter or engagement that just makes you look clickbaity.
Define what success looks like to you and stick to it. Don’t have a cow what’s going on in your LinkedIn timeline, my guy.
Working in your pyjamas is a terrible idea
I think the pandemic has smashed the freelance fantasy of ‘couch-and-pyjama’ working. But let me cover it briefly anyway…
Structuring your day does wonders for your mental wellbeing.
Sure, the pyjamas thing is wicked for the first two weeks, but then you start to feel disconnected from the world or like a lesser version of yourself.
There's something inherently human and civilised about having to shower and dress yourself every day. Makes you feel part of society and less like a cave-dwelling toad.
I still get up at 5 am every day and take the time to do household chores in the morning (because my flat is my office and I refuse to work in a sh*thole).
I still put on makeup, do my hair and wear my normal clothes, even though I'm spending 90% of the day by myself. I do it for myself, so I can feel more like me.
Sally Fox wrote a wonderful blog post on how daily rituals can affect our wellbeing and productivity. I thoroughly agree.
Make a new daily routine to suit your freelance life, and stick to it. Even if that routine looks a little different to ‘the norm’ (you can find more on that here).