Why you should treat your clients like valentines
Image via Molly Champion
Valentines and clients are very similar, you know.
Both of these relationships are best when founded on mutual respect and chemistry.
Unfortunately, just like the unfathomable depths of a dating app, meeting a client online can leave you feeling nervous and uncertain about the potential success of the relationship.
Will they leave you broken hearted or will it be a winning match?
Here’s how the fundamentals of dating relate to client relationships and how you can leverage that shit to form better, healthier client relationships.
1) First impressions count
The anticipation of that first meeting, the sleepless nights…fretting over your outfit! This is all shit we go through when meeting a date or a client for the first time.
There’s a lot riding on that initial chemistry meeting.
Of course I know you’re going to put your best foot forward (no lectures from me on that), so let’s look at the client for signs of what’s to come.
How are you greeted in that first meeting? Are they organised? Forthcoming with the things you need for your upcoming role?
Hopefully you’re spewing out a lot of positive answers here because if not, it’s far better to peace out now, before you’re married with three kids and a mortgage.
2) Don’t be a desperate bitch
Desperation is as dangerous in business as it is in romance.
The unrelenting ache of desperation is enough to make you overlook red flags, accept shitty terms and sign up for a relationship that ultimately doesn’t serve you.
If a client is stringing you along, asking for freebies or making you take tests so they can prove your worth, might be best to tell them to ‘do one’.
There are plenty more fish in the sea and you may just have dodged a bullet.
3) Communication is key
This one goes without saying. Am I right?!
Set up clear lines of communication between both parties and make sure you get shit down in writing. Whether it’s a follow up email to summaries meeting action points or the payment terms on your invoices. Everyone should know what’s going down and what to expect.
4) Go with someone who thinks you’re neat-o
You’re neat-o and I’m not just saying that because we’re friends.
So why would you get into bed with someone (business or otherwise) who thinks any less?
If your potential client is trying to haggle you down, is under valuing the task at hand, fobbing your questions off, or just treating you like the help for hire, it might be time for ‘the talk’.
Never settle!
5) Don’t count yourself out of the running
Picture this: you’re in a bar and you see a total hottie standing across from you. We’re talking fantasy material. They make eye contact with you, but instead of tipping them a cheeky wink, you drop your eyes and put the whole thing from your mind.
They’re way out of your league. Aren’t they?
The number of times I’ve almost taken myself out of the running for a cool job or a cool client because I didn’t think I was good enough, only to go for it anyway and end up winning the work. It beggars belief!
At the end of the day…fuck it. Go for it anyway! If you bomb, who’s to know? At least you tried.
6) There are plenty more fish in the sea
Urgh! Losing a client sucks, no matter how long you’ve been freelance.
It’s hard not to feel salty or take it personally, even if you ended on good terms. It’s a bitter pill to swallow.
Luckily for you, when one door closes another one opens. And hopefully, much like the game Mystery Date, there’ll be a cute ski instructor named Brad behind that door.
Happy dating!