9 Work Christmas party ideas for freelancers

work Christmas party ideas for freelancers

A work Christmas party is like a wedding — we love to complain about them and loathe attending them but would ultimately whinge if we knew we weren’t going to one and everyone else was.

A freelance life usually means no organised work Christmas party; whatever you do is down to you, assuming you want to do anything at all.

Being the merry sort, I thought I’d share a few of my own tried and tested freelance Christmas party ideas, as well as a few I borrowed from my freelance copywriter pals.

Santa hats on…we’re going in!

  1. Dinner with a plus one

    I do this almost every year and it’s always bomb. I take my husband to the nice pub down the road and we sit by the open fire and just enjoy a cosy dinner together, courtesy of my company. It’s nice and simple, and also means that you get to share your freelancer Christmas party with someone else (whoever that may be!).


2. Movie night with yourself

Dunno about you, but I love my own company. Given the choice between a rowdy night out or an evening alone with a blanket and a box set, I’ll choose the latter every damn time. In fact, it’s one of the options I chose to go with last year…

freelance work christmas party

I’m not the only one, either — my pal André Spiteri enjoys a similar bit of solo Christmas party action:

“I take two weeks off for Christmas and I have my do on the last Friday before the holidays. It's takeout from the Chinese Manor House, which is probably one of the best Chinese restaurants in Edinburgh, a few beers, and a movie.”


3. Christmas carol evening

I’m not religious by any means, but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy a few cheeky carols (the songs, not the women). Find yourself a local village hall or church, grab a mulled wine and a mince pie, then just enjoy the atmosphere. It’s a low-key work Christmas party with a smidgen of social interaction.


4. Fancy one-off seasonal events

For some, Christmas events mean dressing up and feeling like a fancy bish. If this sounds more up your alley, throw on your finest garms and treat yourself to an evening at the opera or the ballet. I like a trip to the Royal Albert Hall for carols or an orchestra recital of Christmas movie music. Whatever floats your goat, man.


5. Hang with freelance friends

When I reached out to ask my freelance mates how they like to party, the majority said that a casual lunch or dinner with other local freelancers was a go-to favourite.

Megan Rose does it:

“[I like to] catch up with friends who also happen to be freelancers locally. Food, drink, chats and laughter. Nothing crazy hardcore, but good times with good friends!”

Mary Whitehouse and Anna Gunning also do it — they arrange a dinner with local #CopywritersUnite folks:

Some Birmingham/Midlands copywriters are having a copywriters' Christmas meal next week! It's the second year we've done it and it's based on the group that meets up for the #copywritersunite get-togethers.”


6. Organised evening event

Are you a stickler for a proper, swank night out on the town? I’ve got you covered! There are plenty of freelancers going rogue and organising their own ticketed events. Do a Google, find a local one you like the look of, and snag yourself a ticket. You can even throw in a little networking while you’re at it!

Don’t forget your own local #CopywritersUnite events, which are free and might be close enough to Christmas to constitute a night out.


7. Festive pub quiz

I didn’t think of this until Kelly Dunning mentioned it…

“Lee and I are planning to host a festive pub quiz on Christmas Eve at an underground speakeasy here in Tbilisi.”

Not only are you getting a chill, fun night out for Christmas, you’re also getting an opportunity to showcase your trivia knowledge. Always excellent!


8. Make the rounds

Maybe you’re the type who doesn’t like to commit to just one social event? I mean, heck — if each of your clients has offered an invitation, y’all should snatch up as many parties as you can!

If you don’t want to kill yourself with string of hardcore social events, you can just do what I do — arrange coffees or evening drinks with each regular in turn (one of them is bound to pick up the tab).


9. Go to the panto

I love all things shit and pantomimes fall very neatly into the ‘shit things’ category. I’ve no shame in admitting that I head back home to the south coast each year to watch the local pantomime. It’s fun, easy and seasonal. It also pairs well with a lot of wine.

Whatever you choose to do, find me on Twitter and share your work Christmas party pics!

Emma Cownley