Freelance focus: embrace joy with the 10 of Cups

Hey! If you’re reading this post, you’ve decided to join me in my monthly freelance tarot focus. Nice one — I knew you were a good sort.

Over the years, this exercise has helped me grow and improve as a freelancer and a creative. I turned some of my discoveries into blog posts, videos, client jobs and even #ContentClubUK questions.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Here’s how it all works…

How it all works

I sit down once a month to ask where we should put our freelance focus for the next 28 days. Then I pull a single tarot card.

Easy, eh?

Whether you’re a believer or not, tarot cards can be a handy way to examine your approach to work, clients and creativity.

The cards pose interesting questions. Sometimes they prompt you to look at the bigger picture or encourage you to look inward. They remind you to celebrate wins and to release things that don’t serve you.

Either way, they raise excellent talking points for our community!

The interpretation is all you, my friend.

So, without further ado, here’s the card for March…

Ten of Cups


Cups is a card suit dedicated to emotions, creativity and relationships. Looks like we lucked out because this particular cup is a pretty fucking happy one.

The ten of cups is a card of joy, contentment and love. It usually pops up when you’re surrounded by a great support system (hello, freelance Twitter).

It encourages you to take a step back and appreciate all you’ve built for yourself — something us freelancers tend to struggle with! On the flip side, it might also be a prompt to take annual leave and enjoy quality time with the people you love (in whichever way you can).

This is a favourable card for relationships, so if you’ve been thinking about pitching a dream client or going for a job, March might be your month, mate.

This card might be a sign that you need to focus on trusting your intuition more, especially if you’re prone to overthinking stuff. It could also be a call for you to look at your workload and assess it — are you doing enough of the shit you love? Is there a way you can shift that this month?

Either way, the focus for March is contentment and joy. Times are pretty dark right now, so this might be a friendly reminder to concentrate on finding happiness in the small, everyday stuff.

Did any of this ring true for you? Are you planning to do any of it this month? Let me know how it goes 🤘⚡️