Freelance Focus: creative expression with the Empress


Welcome to the very first Freelance Focus of 2022! Are you ready to find out how we’re honing our focus for the next few weeks? Because I’ve got one very sassy royal waiting to meet you…

But first, let’s look back over December and the card we worked on previously.

Last month: The Seven of Swords

December ended on a bit of a funny note – we pulled the Seven of Swords, a card more commonly associated with deception and trickery.

Because we’re optimistic folk, we chose to look beyond the scary meaning and embrace a different side of this card. December was all about working with strategy and choosing to look after yourself first.

The Seven of Swords was your cue to work smarter rather than harder. When given a choice between a rush job and a restful schedule, this card advised you to choose the latter!

So, how did you get on? Find me on Twitter and let me know!

Seven of Swords tarot card

How it went for me…

I chose to look after myself in December. Two weeks until the end of my year and I was still waiting on nine briefs from three different clients.

If they came through, it would be a very rushed fortnight. If they didn’t come through, my revenue would be buggered for the month. So, what did I do?

I chilled the fuck out, mate.

I used the time to get ahead on my own content for January. To plan my business goals for the year ahead. To do last minute housekeeping like scheduling my out-of-office message and prepping my invoices.

If you know me, you’ll know how out of character this is.

I’m ambitious and organised — I wants my briefs and I wants ‘em now. I don’t like to be rushed and I don’t like to be ghosted (I mean, who does?).

So, I used my time wisely and when I ran out of tasks…I stopped. No sense in sitting here at the desk trying to scare up work when I felt exhausted. I saw it as a chance to prep and rest. And I was much happier for it!


January’s card: The Empress

In the interest of full disclosure, I have to admit that I get excited when this card comes up. She represents all my favourite things: love, femininity, creativity.

And what a great omen for January!

By drawing The Empress, we’re being asked to get in touch with our feminine side. It’s an invitation to explore creative expression through touch, taste, scent, sight…the whole shebang.

It’s also a card of abundance, so rather than focusing on the challenges in the year ahead, stop to consider all the blessings you have right now.

Finally, the Empress has a strong nurturing instinct. This card could be a great prompt to look out for the other freelancers in your industry and to think of new ways to give support.

Does any of this resonate with you? Give me a shout on Twitter and let me know!

Emma Cownley