Freelance focus: releasing negativity with The Devil

The devil tarot card photo

Well, I’ll be damned! It’s only been 6 months since we last pulled The Devil tarot card as part of our freelance focus, yet here he is again! Now that we’ve reached the end of the calendar year, we can take away a whole new set of challenges from this card. Keep reading to find out more…

Last month: Valet of Swords

The Valet of Swords is an energetic card that encourages exploration, so our focus for November was to embrace a new writing style or communication-based project.

Did you experiment in November? Did you put any of this guy’s pep in your step?

Find me on Twitter and let me know!

How it went for me

November heralded a lot of newness for me — I signed a new client who’s very different from my usual B2C client base. The change in tone and client style has helped me find stability and freshness in my writing.

I also experimented with a new video format on YouTube! I filmed a time-lapse scrapbook video with chill embedded music and a relaxing voice over. It took ages to do, but I’m so pleased with the results.

December’s card: The Devil

Hello darkness, my old friend. We’ve pulled The Devil tarot card again but don’t freak — this is a very appropriate card for this time of year. Ironically enough.

The Devil card symbolises negative thought and behaviour patterns. It represents being shackled to unhelpful habits and beliefs that don’t serve you. I’m sure many of us freelancers have a fair few of these knocking around, eh? I know I do.

The reason this card is favourable is because of the time of year we’ve drawn it. Both November and December’s full moons are traditionally used to release bad habits and toxic relationships so you can move forward with a clean slate. Yule, which takes place on 21st December, is a holiday that acknowledges the dark days and embraces light.

Are you holding onto negative thoughts or beliefs about your freelance business or creative abilities that you’d like to leave behind for the new year?

According to The Devil tarot card, now might be a good time to look at the toxic client relationships, negative thoughts, or unhelpful practices you’re holding onto and release them. We don’t need ‘em for 2023!


Do you think you’ll work to release negativity in December?
Find me on
Twitter and let me know!

Freelance focusEmma Cownley