Freelance Focus: introspection with The Hermit


This one goes out to all the introverts! Before we turn away from the madding crowd to reflect in solitude with The Hermit, let’s take a quick look back over July’s focus…

Last month’s card: The Hanged Man

Last month’s card was also a prompt to slow down and hit pause. Interesting how both The Hanged Man and The Hermit have followed each other in our journey, eh?

The Hanged Man is a card about stopping to smell the roses. Or catch the butterflies. Whatever’s clever.

Did you take a breather between projects or treat yourself to time off? However you chose to integrate this card with your freelance life, I hope you enjoyed the break!

Does this jive with your August experience? Find me on Twitter and let me know!

The Hanged man tarot card

How it went for me

Not going to lie — I’m going through a very tough time in my personal life right now. Things have been chaotic and overwhelming for months with no respite. Because of this, The Hanged Man was a glorious card to get.

It was almost permission to take a step back and just fucking breathe. Business development went on hold and I gave myself permission to coast for a while. If I finished my task early, I’d take time off. And boy, did it help!

September’s card: The Hermit

Last month was all about taking time to pause and it looks like this month is more of the same. The Hermit tarot card represents taking a step back from the hum of every day life and sitting in quiet thought with yourself.

This is a good time for you to sit and mull things over. Are you still happy with your business trajectory? Still finding satisfaction in your work? What does freelancing mean to you? This is a time of self discovery.

The Hermit is a card that calls you to actively seek answers. To soul search. To disconnect from the busy world and make space for your own thoughts and your own journey.

It comes at a great time of year, too — the final business quarter is due to arrive soon and the natural world is slowing down and preparing to hibernate. Now that you’re faced with the final push to the end of the year, what will you plan for yourself?

Did this resonate with you? Find me on Twitter and gimme your thoughts ✨🔮