Freelance Focus: inner power with Strength

Strength tarot card

How much moxie do you have? Better muster it up because February looks to be a month of pure grit and determination. We’ll focus on facing our fears and channelling our power for good. But, before we get into all that good stuff, let’s take a minute to recap the card we pulled for January and how things went over.

Walk this way, m’lady…

Last month: The Empress

In January, we were treated to The Empress. A card of abundance, female energy, love, and creativity (all the best things, basically).

The card encouraged us to get creative using anything and everything within our means. To explore and be unashamedly free with our art. Did you push yourself creatively in January?

Abundance is a key feature of The Empress card, too. Did you take the opportunity to look at all the great stuff you already have in your life rather than focusing solely on the challenges ahead? I tried to 🙂

Finally, The Empress card has a strong nurturing element to it. It was a nice reminder to think about ways to give back to your community and support the people around you.

So, how did you get on? Find me on Twitter and let me know!

The Empress tarot card

How it went for me…

I had a creative explosion in January. Not surprising really — I didn’t just pull a creative card with you guys, I got the (equally creative) Knight of Cups card in my own private reading.

I managed to fill my content calendar up until May and even had ideas to spare. I was struck with inspiration for new types of content and even drafted a whole clutch of social media posts. It was bonkers — I’ve never been so creatively fruitful.

February’s card: Strength

Would you get a load of this guy 👉

Tearing books in half like it’s no big deal! Contrary to how it looks, this card isn’t about physical strength — it’s more about inner determination and grit.

It’s about how well you believe you can overcome challenges ahead and the attitude you choose to take when confronted with hardship.

This card is a sure sign that February is the month to conquer your fears. Put your prices up, submit a punchy quote, launch a personal project or pitch someone you consider ‘out of your league’. This is the time to draw up all your inner strength and plunge into the challenge headfirst!

There’s another interesting facet to the Strength card that might merit some focus in February — raw power and emotion. If you have a habit of reacting rather than responding, this’ll be particularly pertinent for you. Get those animal instincts under control and hone your emotional intelligence.

Strength tarot card

Does any of this resonate with you? Give me a shout on Twitter and let me know!

Freelance focusEmma Cownley