Freelance focus: take action with The Chariot

the chariot tarot card

Ooooh, dang! There’s going to be no stopping you this month, by the look of things. If you’re a Freelance Focus regular, skip to the next section and reflect on October’s offering.

If you’re new here, welcome! Freelance Focus is a little something I do each month. I draw one tarot card, and we use it to guide our focus for the next few weeks. What does that look like? Whatever the hell you want, my friend! Use it as a journal prompt, a meditation exercise, or food for thought on your morning walk.

Keep reading to catch up on what we did last month and get the scoop on our next writing prompt!

Last month: The Moon

October’s card was a call to tap into your intuition as a way to illuminate the dark path ahead. The Moon asks you to take a moment of stillness before choosing which route to take.

The Moon often pops up to warn against basing current decisions on past fears or anxieties. Did you come up against anything similar in October? How did you get on?

Find me on Twitter and tell me all about it.

the moon tarot card

How it went for me…

The Moon tarot card wasn’t the only thing illuminating my fears in October. I was inundated with stress dreams based on my social anxiety and fear of failure. I had to take a long hard look at myself and get comfortable with my fear of the unknown. Let’s just say, it’s a work in progress!

November’s card: The Chariot

The time has come for action! This card is a good omen if you’ve been plotting your next venture — you’ve got the go-ahead to start bending your will to the challenge at hand. Put the work in and you will see results.

The Chariot is a card of courage and strength. Are you someone who struggles to stick up for yourself or stand your ground? This might be a great time to give it a try — the cosmos is in your corner.

Are you prone to second-guessing yourself? The Chariot is calling you out, bro! Reconnect with yourself and push onward with a stronger sense of conviction.

Does any of this ring true for you? Are you looking forward to the challenge ahead?
Find me on Twitter and let me know!

Freelance focusEmma Cownley