Freelance focus: wealth with the King of Coins

The King of Coins tarot card

Dollah, dollah bills, y’all! The arrival of this regal chap means we’ll be spending July exploring ideas around wealth, leadership, and business. But first, let’s recap this month’s card and the focus we shared for June.


Last month’s card: The Devil

No scurry business here, folks! Just a horned goat-fella asking you to examine the negative habits and beliefs you’re holding onto.

If you’re too scared to increase your rates, pitch for punchy projects, or don’t fully believe in your own talent, The Devil card was your cue to confront those feelings and dismantle them.

We also explored unhealthy relationships and attachments related to business. This card called attention to toxic clients and ball-and-chain business partners that might not be serving you.

Did any of this ring true in June? Find me on Twitter and let me know!

This is a photo of The Devil Tarot card. It shows a horned god sitting on a stone pillar with fire blazing behind him.

How it went for me…

Would you believe I took a holiday in June? Yeah, I know — bonkers! It marks a turning point because I haven't had a stress-free summer in quite a while. It's a slow period for me, which means I've become petrified that my whole business is ending. Each and every summer. As our friend The Devil points out, that's not a great belief!

July’s card: King of Coins

Meet the King of Coins, also known as The King of Pentacles. As the name suggests, this guy is all about wealth, abundance, leadership and business. His arrival can mean only one thing for freelancers going into July — focusing on building a profitable business and sharing the wealth you already have.

This card is a sign that you have the potential to turn your ideas into revenue. So if you've been sitting on an idea for a new product or service, get on it, mate!

Like our pal, The Magician, this card comes with a caveat. You may have the resources and confidence to go for what you want, but there's no guarantee you'll succeed without a plan. Take a minute to plan things through before you leap in —it'll go better for you. Now isn't the time to try a new approach. Use what you know!

The King of Coins is a leader and a generous fella. So on that logic, July might be a great month to think about how you can use your wealth and abundance to help others. Drop a donation, plant trees for every invoice paid, or share a referral in your community. It's all good karma, baby!

The King of coins tarot card

Did this resonate with you? Find me on Twitter and gimme your thoughts ✨🔮