How to make your writing more engaging – 6 easy things you can action now

Image credit: John Ray Ebora


Isn’t it the literal worst when your writing bores the pants off people? If the dwell time on your blog pages looks like trash and the bounce rate is through the roof, chances are…your writing puts people to sleep.

Sorry, babe! I’m a straight talker; I can’t help it.

Luckily, there are 6 relatively easy, quick things you can do to amp up the engagement factor of your writing. Your analytics will thank you for it!

1) Write in active voice

There’s a reason Grammarly bullies anyone who dares use passive voice — it’s dull as dishwater, babes.

To make your writing ‘active’ rather than ‘passive’, put the subject at the start of the clause and the action in the second half. The subject should be DRIVING the action, not having it happen TO them.

For example:

Active: "Emma is dismantling the patriarchy with witchcraft."

Passive: "The patriarchy was dismantled by Emma's witchcraft."

2)Write in present tense

There's something super engaging and immediate about what's happening now versus what's already over. When possible, shift to the present tense. After all — who wants to read about something after the fact?

3) Use direct address

Talk directly to the reader rather than about them. Like, babe — they're in the room with us, so let's not chat about them like they aren't here. Rude much? Switch to 'you' rather than 'small business owners' or 'customers'.

4) Use direct speech

Quoted speech and interview-style blog content are super engaging because we love to be told stories. It'll read like an engaging story but also give information right out of the expert's mouth — readers get the info directly rather than having it told to them by a third party.

5) Use cliffhangers at the end of your paragraphs

Not the Stallone kind, 'kay? End your paragraphs with a little teaser to lure the reader to the next. This is especially wicked for blog post intros. This article I wrote starts with a particularly spicy one if you want an example.

6) Break up your paragraphs into bite-sized chunks

You probably wouldn't eat three Mars Bars, but you'd definitely go through a double handful of Mars Celebrations because they're small and easy to blitz. Use the same concept for your writing; make your paragraphs nice and short so the piece looks quick and easy to read.


What are you waiting for, pal? Hop on over to your site and put this stellar advice to work!

If you find you cba, reach out and let me do it for you 🙂

Emma Cownley