Word magick: how to create and use sigils for freelance life
Image via Min An
Can a magick symbol help you achieve your dreams or make you more money? Nah, not on its own. You need a whole heap of intention and focus behind it. That’s the real magick, and that’s what we’re chatting about today. Our lesson — sigils!
I touched on sigils in my freelance grimoire post, but this is a magickal topic I could talk about all day. Once you learn how to make and use these babies, you’ll be as addicted as I am.
Let’s get into it. Wands out, witches…
What are sigils?
Good question — start with the basics! Sigils are magickal symbols that have been individually designed and empowered to achieve a specific outcome.
You start with a wish, goal, or positive affirmation, then condense it into a single unique symbol. You can also add other basic symbols into the design to help lend meaning. For example:
Clockwise spiral — attracting in
Anti-clockwise spiral – sending out
Circle – fulfilment, unity
Upwards arrow – increase
Downward arrow – decrease
Heart – attract love
Point or dot – grounding, being present
Triangle – wisdom
Sigils are super discreet, making them easy to use in your everyday personal and professional life. They also play very nicely with other forms of magick (but we’ll get into that later!).
How to create your own sigils
I created a sigil for my Witchy Freelancer eBook and had my designer friend add it into the cover art, so let’s use it as an example. Here she is in all her glory…
1) Start with an intention.
What do you want your sigil to do for you? The statement needs to be framed in a positive way (because we should always work in light and love) and it needs to be specific. There can’t be any room for ambiguity in magick.
For the sigil above, I used the statement: “This book brings joy, creativity, and inspiration to all who read it.”
2) Write the intention out on a blank piece of paper and start condensing it down.
Pull out the most important letters, words, and sentiments. Think about the other kinds of symbols and elements you could bring into the design to strengthen the meaning.
In my design, I’ve used a heart to represent the joy I wanted my book to bring people. The heart itself also incorporates a C (for ‘creativity’) and a J (for ‘joy’) and has a letter A hidden at its point (for ‘all’). I added lines to the top of the heart to suggest it radiates this energy out into the universe.
My design also uses an anti-clockwise spiral to send the good energy out and the whole thing sits inside a square, which is meant to represent the book itself. Whenever I draw sigils for books (which we’ll get to in a minute), I tend to use a square.
3) Once you’re happy with your design, focus on it and hold your intention in your mind.
Really try to make that mental connection between this sigil and the thing you’d like to illicit whenever you use it.
Okay, so you’ve got your marching orders. Now…how are you actually going to put sigils into practice in your daily life?
How to use sigils in freelance life
For client projects
I like to make individual sigils for large client projects. I take the main aim of the project and use that as my positive statement. Then I condense it down, make my sigil, and doodle it on briefs, notes, and folders to help me channel the energy I need for this particular task.Personal journalling
I typically use my journal for two reasons: when I need to vent something or when I need to mull something. With that in mind, I created a sigil to 1) help me heal myself through writing and 2) to help myself grow through writing.
I doodle the appropriate sigil in the top right-hand corner before I start my entry. I also empowered two crystals alongside my journalling sigils and I’ll hold the corresponding crystal as I write. Just for a lil boost!Diary planning
I love my Filofax with my whole heart. I even made a video on it! I created two special sigils to maximise the efficiency of my diary and to make sure it stays private and safe. Each year, I find a new spot in the pages to draw the sigils…
Candle magick
Sigils play very nicely with candle magick. If you have a scented candle that you like to burn in your office (or maybe even a workspace activation candle from my eBook?!) you can use a pin to carve your sigil into the side of the candle before you light it.
Potion making (A.K.A. making a cuppa)
Use a magick teaspoon* to draw a sigil into your hot drink while you stir it. Hold your intention in your mind while you carefully draw the symbol into the surface of the liquid with your teaspoon.
This is particularly good for inspiration potions and healing brews — you can find both recipes in my eBook. You could also just enchant your daily tea. Whatever you fancy!
*Yup, you can even enchant a teaspoon. Especially if you regularly make magickal brews!
Inspired to use sigils in your daily writing practice? Find me on Twitter and ask me anything!
If you haven’t already picked up a copy of my Witchy Freelancer eBook, you can find her here. ✨🔮