Freelance Focus: strategy with the Seven of Swords


Welcome to your last Freelance Focus tarot post of the year. The next one you see will be prep for January 2022 — mad how time flies, eh?! Let’s kick things off with a recap of November’s card and the lessons we learned. Let’s gooooo!

Last month: The Chariot

We got a good omen last month — The Chariot was spurring us toward action and encouraging us to go for our goals.

This card is a great reminder that when you put the work in, you can achieve the things you want (or at least get closer to them!).

The Chariot represents strength of conviction and courage. It was a friendly reminder for you to stop second-guessing yourself and get ballsy.

How did you get on with The Chariot? Find me on Twitter and tell me all about it.

How it went for me…

My November started strong where this card is concerned. In a rare display of courage, I actually spoke up about a situation I wasn’t happy with. I requested a meeting, aired my grievances and pushed for positive change. Woah, bitch — who are you, and what have you done with Emma?!

I also called someone out for being uncool on LinkedIn. In almost all cases, I’d rather keep quiet and slink away, but I wasn’t about to let a fellow freelancer get bullied by a dick. So even though I felt physically ill, I stepped in and told the chap to do one. 👆

December’s card: the Seven of Swords

Okay, so this doesn’t look great at first glance. The Seven of Swords usually represents deception and trickery — it comes as a warning to anyone who hopes to get away with something dodgy. Act like a little sneak, and you could be caught. On the flip side, it could be warning you to keep an eye out for dodgy behaviour in those around you.

Despite these dire implications, I prefer to see the Seven of Swords as a card of strategy and selfishness (the good kind). For my freelance folk, I see it as a prompt to look at where you’ve been spending energy and whether those efforts paid off. If not, might be time to regroup. Be smart about where you put your time and attention — don’t spread yourself too thinly!

You might find yourself in a situation where you’re forced to choose your own mental health or wellbeing over a last-minute job or challenging deadline. This card is the blessing you need to choose yourself. It’s okay to be selfish sometimes — heck knows you’ve earned it!

The Seven of Swords might be encouraging you to be a bit cheeky. Want that client? Maybe you could sneak to the front of the queue by connecting with a nice note on LinkedIn? If you see an opening, take the chance and snatch the opportunity. Because you never know!

The Seven of Swords isn’t just about ‘getting away with something’, it can also be just about ‘getting away’. Have you found yourself in a situation you’d very much like to escape from? This card encourages you to face the problem head on and get your arse outta there. Don’t be tempted to slip off in a sly way or ignore the issue. Confront it and stick up for yourself!

Does any of this ring true for you? Are you looking forward to the challenge ahead?
Find me on Twitter and let me know!

Emma Cownley