6 tarot card writing prompts to help get your pen going
Image credit: Joanna Michael
Struggling to get your pen going, bb? As always, your pal Cowners has your back!
This blog post contains a hand-picked selection of tarot card writing prompts for your morning pages, each chosen to help get your creative juices flowing. This blog post comes courtesy of my newsletter The Copy Coven. If ya like this, ya might like that!
How to use your prompts
Start by choosing a card from the list below. You can pick at random or pick a theme that calls to you. Once you’ve decided, you can take one of several routes…
1) Freewrite on the theme. Set a timer for 5 or 10 minutes, and go for it. Don’t overthink it, and don’t plan it; just write whatever comes to you on that theme — a stream of pure consciousness to get your brain in gear.
2) Pick a writing format and use the theme as your muse. That could be a short limerick, a haiku, a mini-story, or a fake long-copy ad campaign. Whatever floats your goat, friend 🐐
3) Use the prompt as your own personal form of therapy and turn your morning pages into a diary entry. What does the card raise for you? Get it all out and clear your brain so you can focus.
Morning pages tarot card prompts
🌎 The World
Completeness, fulfilment, coming full circle to the end of your journey.
😈 The Devil
Negative thought patterns, loss of control, unhealthy relationships.
🤡 The Fool
Taking a leap of faith, new beginnings, and embracing a carefree outlook.
⚖️ Temperance
Finding balance, finding inner calm, accommodating different perspectives.
🎡 The Wheel of Fortune
Turning tides, luck and misfortune, all change.
🛒 The Chariot
Overcoming challenges, riding into battle, mustering courage.
Hopefully that does the trick! Still can’t quite get your pen moving, peach? Book me for a 1-hour consultation to help clear that writer’s block or just hand the work off to me — I’m happy to help!