Freelance focus: core beliefs with the Hierophant

This is a photograph of The Hierophant tarot card. It is expertly positioned on a black satin scarf with an elk antler framing the shot. I kid you not — it looks great.

Are you ready to do some serious book learning in April? We pulled The Hierophant — a card of deep personal values and dedicated learning. Keep reading to find out how we’ll bring the theme into our freelance writing practice!

Last month: the Nine of Cups (reversed)

In March, we focused on re-evaluating our freelance business goals. The reversed Nine of Cups warned us that something might be missing.

This was an opportunity to sit down and write yourself through it — are your 2022 business goals more focused on impressing others rather than fulfilling yourself?

The reversed Nine of Cups is a sign that it’s okay to change your mind. If something’s not working, change it! This is your business, and you call the shots.

So, how did you get on? Find me on Twitter and let me know!

This is a photo of the reversed Nine of Cups tarot card.

How it went for me…

Two very lucrative jobs popped into my inbox this March, and even though one of my 2022 targets is financial, I turned them both down. Neither of the jobs was right for me in that moment, and money wasn’t going to change that!

I’ve also been confronted with an uncomfortable truth about one of the goals I set myself for the year — it’s a lot more focused on vanity than any other goal I’ve set. I’ve even caught myself dreading the work I’d have to do in order to achieve it. This begs the question — if I have to make myself do it, do I really want it after all?

April’s card: The Hierophant

The Hierophant is a wise guy. A spiritual guy. He represents the beliefs and values you hold close, whether religious, personal or business-related.

This card is a gentle prompt to have a long, hard think about the values that drive your business decisions — are you making choices out of habit and ingrained belief? Go out and seek your information from a trusted, reliable source. This kinda deep research is essential if you’re going to fully understand your own reasoning and totally commit to the principles you live by.

Could a research refresh help you see things with new eyes now that you’re further into your freelance journey?

The Hierophant also represents the role of teacher and mentor — if you’ve recently started helping others learn about copywriting or freelancing, this card urges you to appreciate the responsibility you’ve accepted.

Finally, the Hierophant, being a religious guy, represents community experiences and community learning. Are you already part of a freelance community? If not, this could be the perfect time to reach out and get involved!

Did this resonate with you? Find me on Twitter and gimme your thoughts ✨🔮