Freelance Focus: inner happiness with the Nine of Cups (reversed)


Nope, your eyes aren’t deceiving you. This card is upside down…our very first reversed tarot card in the Freelance Focus series.

Reversed cards can sometimes have negative meanings, but we got lucky this time, chaps. Keep reading to review last month’s card and to see what these cups have in store for us in March.

Last month: Strength

February’s focus was inner determination and grit, courtesy of the chap on the right.

The aim of the game was mustering all your inner strength and pushing yourself to confront fears. Whether that means putting prices up, protecting your boundaries or pitching for something ballsy.

Did you stand up for yourself this month? Did you get a chance to test your boundaries or protect them?

So, how did you get on? Find me on Twitter and let me know!

A photo of the Strength tarot card.

How it went for me…

Okay, so yeah. She got tested big time in Feb, guys. I was forced to sit through the worst discovery call in the history of my career. It was a showcase of all the most common client red flags, including being asked to justify why my rates are so expensive. Reader, I told him exactly why I’m worth the money and then I told him to consider my application withdrawn.

I surprised myself with my own willingness to face confrontation. I managed to confidently take charge in several situations over the last 28 days and, to be honest, I hope this new found moxie is here to stay!

March’s card: Nine of Cups (reversed)

The Nine of Cups is a pretty interesting card to get as a freelancer. When upright, it signifies total and complete contentment in all areas of life. When reversed, we get a sense that something is missing.

Have you lost touch with your true goals? The ones that genuinely bring you joy? Perhaps after a few months of working towards your 2022 goals, you’ve realised they aren’t what you want at all. Maybe you’ve set lofty targets and feel frustrated that you haven’t made progress yet?

That’s okay, babe. You’re allowed to change your mind, especially if things aren’t working for you. You tried! Now try changing it up.

The reversed Nine of Cups is a reminder that impressing others and looking prestigious to the outside world isn’t always the key to happiness. Same goes for trying to please everyone — you’ll never do it, so stop trying and start pleasing yourself.

So that’s your focus for March. Get back to the joy of your freelance career by mugging off vanity metrics and impressive accolades.

Did this resonate with you? Find me on Twitter and gimme your thoughts ✨🔮

Freelance focusEmma Cownley