Freelance focus: manifestation with The Magician


Looks like May is going to be a month of personal power, my friend! The Magician has got a few tricks up his sleeve when it comes to freelance business, so prepare to be amazed and astounded! But first, a look back on April’s card…

Last month: The Hierophant

This card is usually linked to spirituality and religion, but in our freelance focus context, he can represent core beliefs about yourself and your business. It was a prompt to go back to the books, to rely on trusted sources of information, and to reassess your values. Did you give it a go and, if so, what did you discover about yourself?

Because he’s all about learning, The Hierophant can also represent training and mentorships. Did you consider dabbling in either of these? Let me know!

As a man of the community, The Hierophant can also represent giving back to your peers and accepting their support in return. Did you connect with a community in April?

Find me on Twitter and let me know!

How it went for me…

I doubled down on supporting my community in April, even though it was a nightmare month for me in terms of personal drama. In fact, I reached out to another freelancer going through the same personal bereavement as me, and we were able to console each other. Lovely stuff!

I was also delighted to be able to coach a new freelancer through the early stages of setting up a business, which was awesome. 😍

May’s card: The Magician

The Magician can manifest anything out of thin air. That dream you’ve been keeping on the backburner? This pointy-hatted fella is the sign you’ve been waiting for. According to him, the time is right to make your move — you’ve collected all the skills, connections, and smarts to finally make it into a reality.

This card is a great prompt for anyone struggling to pinpoint exactly what they want for their business this year. As we hit the mid-way point, sit down and think about what you truly want and make your action plan. How will you bring this to fruition?

The Magician is a reminder that almost anything is achievable when you make a step-by-step plan and stick to it. You’ve got what it takes!

Did this resonate with you? Find me on Twitter and gimme your thoughts ✨🔮